
Providing accounting services and financial systems to any company as it is the only way to measure the company’s results, whenever you have a good accounting system, that will make current and future decisions easier for you, so we provide many accounting services to our clients, such as establishing an accounting system, bookkeeping and registration, preparing bank and credit and stock settlements, preparing financial statements and performance indicators for companies, and preparing the tax returns in accordance with tax laws in Egypt, as well as preparing monthly payroll and social insurance.
All services are carried out by specialists who have sufficient practical experience.
We aim at providing these services to our customers to reduce tension and confusion, which may cost you a lot of time, effort and money .in case of relying on an unqualified team and not following the latest developments in accounting standards and local tax laws.
Company Establishments:
We have a team specialized in establishing, modification, conversion and merging companies of all kinds.

Establishing of all types partnerships, sole proprietorships, foreign companies and representative offices
Consultations in the field of corporate affairs and all related laws.
Conversion of companies of all kinds
Merging of companies of all kinds or dissolving.
Modifying the main systems of companies, preparing contracts, agreements, certificates, cheques, bonds, general assembly’s of shareholders, boards of directors, shareholder records, ownership books and assignments.
Obtain permits and licenses
Complete all procedures for obtaining permits and licenses for projects and companies and solving their problems with governmental and non-governmental agencies.

Accounting and auditing services:
Auditing as it was defined by the American Accounting Association is an organized process of collecting and evaluating evidence objectively that relates to the results of economic activities and events.
And this is to determine compatibility and correspondence between these results and standards and notify the parties concerned with the results of audit. The audit process is carried out in accordance with the International Audit Standards and the Egyptian Review Standards and according to the Egyptian laws and regulations in this regard to reach reasonable confirmation that the financial statements do not involve any errors.
Audit process includes:
A financial “review” is conducted by an auditor is to examine the financial statements according to the audit procedures in the establishment .
Examine and evaluate the accounting principles and policies used by the establishment and allocations set by the management of the enterprise.
General assessment for the financial statements with clarifications.
A periodic audit during the year includes an inspection and evaluation of accounting systems and internal control systems applied in the enterprise and do all necessary tests to verify the safety and efficiency of these systems to discover mistakes that may have an impact on the financial statements of the enterprise.
In case of any important observations in periodic audit a report will be sent to the enterprise management contains notes and recommendations to be solved after discussion with the establishment.

Year-end audit procedures:
Checking and matching the closing accounts and match them with accounting records.
Checking the assets that appear in the budget and its value and allocations to verify that the budget clearly expresses the reality of the financial position.
Checking the income statement to make sure that the statement shows how the establishment. runs
Ensure that the disclosure and presentation of financial statements were made in accordance with the accepted accounting principles and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Prepare the auditors’ reports on the financial statements at the end of each period.
In case of any important observations in periodic audit a report will be sent to the enterprise management contains notes and recommendations to be solved after discussion with the establishment.
Feasibility studies
Economic feasibility studies are of the most important factors when you choose a new investment project. The basic goal of feasibility study is to study the possibility of the project to achieve the maximum possible return outweigh the cost invested and reach a final decision to accept or reject the idea.
Stages of economic feasibility study of projects:
Revenue and proposed sales prices
Create an income statement and project cash flow statement
Stud project location.
Production planning process.
Choosing the right production equipment.
Operating cycle.
Fixed and variable costs.
Meticulous project cost estimation
Importance of the project for the market
Define the target audience
Identify direct competitors
Estimating market size regarding your product
Study demand and supply model of markets
Mini study of product marketing methods and the appropriate marketing methods to access target sales

Financial and economic indicators:
Profitability and liquidity analysis and capital recovery period.
Project Evaluation:
General recommendations on the project from the economic and social point of view.
Project Financing
Funding and financing your project is one of the most important problems facing any investor, especially in emerging projects, we help our customers by providing many different funding alternatives and opportunities, either from the specialized financial institutions or personal financing such as banks and funds, we provide all the required documents and communicate with the financing parties and facilitate all procedures until obtain funding or loan required.

Personal Financing:
By finding investors or partners who have the capital and want to invest in emerging companies, particularly innovative and distinctive projects
Investment funds:
For investment companies that have a financial surplus and wish to invest in an existing project that will achieve a large profit for them in a short period without entering into the management cycle. In addition, we manage cash and follow up on the client periodically and continuously to ensure how financing is managed within the project and the extent of his commitment to payment and his relations with banks, as well as studying and monitoring the expected and unexpected difference between cash inflows and outflows and assisting customers in dealing with excess cash in an appropriate manner that serves the interest of the facility in the future.
Tax advice and services
Tax examination
We have a specialized team to deal with all types of tax examinations in various stages in addition to our relationship that extends for more than 20 years with most tax offices in Egypt, which makes our task easier in reconciling the conditions of our clients with the Egyptian Tax Authority, and this includes the process of examining tax returns and supporting documents and attendance In front of the various missions and committees to provide all responses and answer the inquiries that may be requested by the authority’s employees to save time for the taxpayer and the mission and to obtain the best possible results in accordance with the various tax laws and executive instructions.
Preparing and submitting tax returns
Preparing tax returns is a very important matter that has future effects that may cause great harm to any company. Determined according to tax laws, so you must be careful when preparing your tax return well and review the executive instructions in order to avoid falling into a clash with the tax mission and a real crisis for your company.
We at Amin Morsi Financial and Administrative Systems provide this service to our customers and follow them constantly and prepare and submit tax returns of all kinds (income tax – value added tax – discount and addition tax – stamp tax and labor earnings ….) in accordance with the applicable laws and executive instructions to ensure obtaining The best results in tax examination and maintaining the stability of companies.
Tax advice
We provide various tax consultancy services through our specialized experts in various tax stages and through our relationship with the Tax Authority and its senior employees, to ensure that you are on the right path and to avoid mistakes that may cost your company a lot.